10 Great Beard Styles for Bigger Guys

Kristian S
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Many men want a full luscious beard, but the full beard look might not be the best fit for every man. Bigger guys can look good with a beard, especially with the right style. Some styles, depending on face shape and beard size, can add unnecessary volume. For the most flattering look, check out these beard styles for bigger guys and find the best match for you.

Beard Styles for Bigger Guys

When starting your beard growth journey, you don't absolutely need a plan in place for your preferred beard style. Growing a beard takes time, and you might want to give it at least a month before attempting to shape it. Some men may need to let their beards grow for longer. Still, during the growth phase, you can weigh your style options.

1. Full Beard

Many larger men do not see the full beard as a preferred option, but it is an excellent choice for the right candidate. The key to making a full beard look good and complementary to your face is to keep it shorter on the sides and longer on the bottom. While it is fine to let the hair grow out, you will need to keep it trimmed and shaped to the face for the best results.

2. Goatee

One of the better beard styles for bigger guys is the goatee. While it is not perfect for every face shape, it draws attention to the right facial areas and helps lengthen and slim the jawline. Goatees keep the growth around the chin. Men with this style usually shave the sides of the beard entirely or leave minimal growth.

3. Extended Goatee

The extended goatee has many of the benefits of the typical goatee, but it extends a little further from the chin and allows for more length. When done correctly, the extended version of the style can be more flattering for round or oblong face shapes. The key to this style is maintenance; you need to keep it trimmed to ensure it looks clean.

4. Hollywoodian

The Hollywoodian beard is like the extended goatee but more manicured. It is longer on the bottom, helping to elongate your face for a slimming look. The sides are pretty short, if they exist at all. The primary reason to select this beard is to reduce the volume of facial hair around your face.

5. Ducktail

The ducktail beard is the go-to style for larger men. It is longer on the bottom, coming to a point and lengthening the face. It also keeps the sides shorter to maintain a sleek appearance. Finally, the length can help to hide a double chin. For beard styles for bigger guys, the ducktail is worth your consideration.

6. Fade Ducktail

The fade ducktail style is even better for big guys because the fade effect slims down the face even more. One potential problem is the style requires precision and expertise, meaning you may need to visit a barber until you master the style. The extra cost of visiting a barber is a potential barrier for some men, but if you can afford the trip, it is worth it.

7. Van Dyke

The Van Dyke is a very distinct choice, and it is not for everyone. However, the beard can help lengthen and narrow the face because of its distinct pointy beard. Also, the style of the beard keeps the eyes focused on the center of the face. When paired with a clean cut, the style can help slim the face.

8. Patchy

Many beard styles for bigger guys do not account for patchy growth, but some men have trouble growing an even and full beard. A patchy beard is not usually what guys want, but it can work — look at Keanu Reeves.

The beard works because the patches usually end up on the cheeks, meaning less volume on the sides of the face. If you have patchy growth, embrace it and see what becomes of it after a month or two. Alternatively, you can try a beard supplement to help promote even and healthy growth.

9. Chinstrap

The chinstrap beard is an outline beard, and it is hit or miss. Still, it makes it on this list because it has the potential to add definition to the right face shape. That said, on the wrong face shape, it can have the opposite effect. This style is best for more angular or oblong faces.

10. Horseshoe Mustache

If you don't want a full beard but still want some facial hair, a mustache is an option. Many bigger guys may not want a regular mustache, however, because it can make a face look wider. Instead, opt for a horseshoe mustache because it extends down, not out, elongating the face.

How the Right Beard Styles for Bigger Guys Can Flatter the Face

A bigger man needs a beard style that flatters his attributes, and that is a rule for any man looking to grow a beard. Larger men should pay more attention to factors such as volume and length.

Volume refers to the amount of growth on the cheeks and sides of the face. Too much volume can make a man look wider than he is, but too little may not have the desired effect. A barber can help you determine the right style, which may include a fade.

Length is typically a plus for bigger guys because it helps to stretch the face, making it appear thinner and longer. It is best to keep the length focused toward the center of the face at the chin area; extending beyond the chin risks adding too much volume to the sides.

Tools and Tips for Beard Styles for Bigger Guys

Beard styles for bigger guys will usually require regular maintenance. A larger man with a rounder face will want to keep the sides short to reduce the volume of growth on their cheeks. Check out Wild Willies for an extensive selection of grooming tools, growth supplements, and all your beard care needs.

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